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Li ChangmingPostdoctoral co tutor of "biomaterials"

Li Changming, doctor of science, Professor, doctoral supervisor, Dean of School of materials science and engineering, Suzhou University of science and technology, and Dean of Institute of materials science and devices. He was selected as academician of American Academy of medicine and Bioengineering, academician of European Academy of Sciences, and foreign academician of Russian Academy of engineering. He once served as president of clean energy and Advanced Materials Research Institute of Southwest University, director of bioengineering Department of Nanyang Polytechnic University of Singapore, and head of Advanced Biological Nanotechnology Center. More than 280 patents have been obtained from the United States and China, and more than 200 international / domestic academic conferences or invited reports. Since 2014, he has successively won the awards of Thomson Reuters global materials elite, corevian Global Interdisciplinary and Elsevier global materials highly cited scientists, and the transformation of scientific and technological achievements has created more than 10 billion output value in the United States and China“ Postdoctoral co tutor of "biomaterials".